KISS, TOKYO is featured in Tetsuya Chihara’s new book “TRICKS OF THE DESIGN” (Seibundo shinkosha)

“TRICKS OF THE DESIGN”, a new book by Tetsuya Chihara, the founder of KISS, TOKYO, was released by Seibundo shinkosha on July 7, 2012. This 256-page book is a compilation of Tetsuya Chihara’s design life. In addition to an archive of his work for Lemon Life, the book includes a conversation with creative director/art director Kashiwa Sato, behind-the-scenes photo direction, and other information that condenses Chihara’s past.

Among the work he has done are KISS, TOKYO Bench Object, Silica 72 Water, coneri shibuya & Shibunama-Beer, “KISS, TOKYO PAPER,” and many other collaborative projects for KISS, TOKYO.

『人も企業も街も変えるクリエイティブの裏技。TRICKS OF THE DESIGN』(誠文堂新光社)

TRICKS OF THE DESIGN” (Seibundo shinkosha)