We opened pop-up store at “SHIBUYA SLOW STREAM” by Shibuya Stream March 19th (Sat) to 20th (Sun). Thank you very much for coming.
We had many visitors, whether they were already familiar with KISS, TOKYO and Shibunama-Beer, or new to us.
This was our second time to participate in this event, following last year. This time, the venue was Inaribashi Square under the grand staircase of SHIBUYA STREAM, near KISS, TOKYO Bench Objet along the Shibuya River.
Although it is difficult these days to invite people or get together on a large scale, we would like to continue activities that can be enjoyed together with people who visit us at familiar places such as this SHIBUYA SLOW STREAM. Thank you for your continued support of KISS, TOKYO, a project that loves the people and the city around you.
Thank you very much for coming to our booth. We appreciate all the organizers for providing such a wonderful event.

▼Click here for news of SHIBUYA SLOW STREAM.▼
【2023/3/27】SHIBUYA SLOW STREAMにポップアップを出店しました
【2023/3/1】3/18(土)19(日)、3/25(土)26(日) 都内2つのイベントでポップアップ!<渋生(しぶなま)><coneri(こねり)>と3社共同出店、新商品も続々お目見え!
【2022/3/9】3月19-20日 「SHIBUYA SLOW STREAM」に2日間のポップアップ出店
【2021/3/15】3/20-21「SHIBUYA SLOW STREAM」にて2日間のポップアップショップを出店